Volunteers are the lifeblood of GRQC. The work of GRQC is done by our committees, and we welcome members and friends to help with that work. The table below describees our committees and their needs for volunteers. If you see a role here that matches your interests, please send the contact person an email. We guarantee a warm welcome and an opportunity to contribute to GRQC's mission!
Executive Committee
Provide strategic direction to the board; Oversee board policies and procedures; Represent the full board in dealings with the general public and media; Prioritize board meeting agendas; When necessary, act and make decisions on behalf of the full board.
Jim Boyd, Trish Mooney
Volunteer Opportunity
None at this time
Time Required
Community Effectiveness Committee
The Community Effectiveness Committee enables GRQC customers (leaders and teams) to effectively utilize the services provided by the other GRQC functioning committees (e.g., Program, Showcase, etc.)
Ravi Alluri, Jim Gertner
Volunteer Opportunity
None at this time
Time Required
Healthcare Committee
Promote excellence through quality in the healthcare sector, in part by hosting an annual GRQC healthcare forum.
Dr. Robert Panzer
Volunteer Opportunity
Volunteers considered from healthcare domains not yet represented on the committee (committee currently has several members from URMC and RRH).
Time Required
Marketing Committee
Communicate and position the value of GRQC to leaders and their teams.
Ryan Lammela
Volunteer Opportunity
Copy Writer
Social Media Community Manager
Copy Writer will draft or in some cases edit written copy for emails, social posts, newsletter, or other promotional materials.
Social Media Community Manager will engage the community (reply to comments / like / follow) on our social media channels, primarily LinkedIn
Time Required
1-2 hrs / week
1 hr / week
Membership Committee
Attract and retain GRQC members, both individual and organization.
Therese Costich
Volunteer Opportunity
Membership ambassador
Welcome coordinator
Help identify target individuals or organizations for membership (attend monthly committee meetings and research opportunities offline)
Assist with outreach (e.g., communications to invite new members, or onboarding new members)
Time Required
2 hrs/month
1-2 hrs/month
Program Committee
Develop and hold Performance Excellence Forums, Networking Events and Day of Quality (DOQ). Goal of the committee is to make sure these events align with the mission of GRQC.
Michael Lookup
Volunteer Opportunity
Day of Quality Facilitator and Co-Facilitator
Performance Excellence Forums(Planning, Participant, Moderator)
August Retreat Planning Committee
Role of facilitator is to work with participating organizations in planning DOQ and leading discussion on DOQ. Co-Facilitator supports the facilitator and organizations.
All things that are part of planning and execution for forums and networking events. Work with marketing committee on promotion of events. Participate as moderator for forum or host of networking event.
Committee plans all things that are part of the August board retreat. Identify location and work with the Vice Chair on what is needed for the retreat/meeting.
Time Required
Seasonal Participation(March/April for 2024)-Few meetings before and after Day of Quality. 8 hrs. for Day of Quality
Forums and events are held monthly. 4-8 hrs total per event for planning and event itself.
4-8 hrs for planning annually ahead of August retreat.
Showcase Committee
Collect and track applications for the annual Performance Excellence Awards. Determine review teams and assign applications for review.
Monitor and collect outcomes of reviews. Plan annual Showcase event--liaise with venue, arrange speakers, work with videographer, set up for event.
Anne McNelis
Volunteer Opportunity
Assist with improving overall application collection and tracking
Ongoing support for applications, reviewers
Assist with event planning
Committee seeks expertise in setting up a better system for collecting and tracking applications through the process. Current state is all via email, which is hard to track and risk losing materials.
Monitor applications and reviewers, help with questions and other support.
Support venue selection, prep work for event, other event-related activities as needed.
Time Required
TBD, probably 2 hrs/month for planning and more time for execution of improved process.
1-2 hrs/month
Variable, as low as 1 hr/month, could be more.
Maintain and update the GRQC website as needed and manage related tools (YouTube, Google Workspace, Zoom). Send email campaigns for upcoming events.
Dick Shroyer
Volunteer Opportunity
Email campaign manager
Work with Marketing and other committees to draft copy, schedule emails, and track/report metrics.
Time Required
4-6 hrs/mo. Varies according to event schedule. Busiest in October-November